Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Sept 8-12

Progress reports will go home on Friday.  Please remember this is a progress report not the final report card.  There will still be time to bring up grades.  I would also like to remind you that 3rd grade is a transitional year for the students.  You may notice that your child is struggling with some things.  It is important to remind them to use their planners everyday.  There will be reminders for upcoming tests along with any important class information needed. 

I would like to thank our class for participating in the Class Mass on Friday.  Everyone did a great job reading, singing and carrying up the gifts. 

Permission slips have went out for the Monterey Field Trip which will be held on October 29.  Please turn in the permission slip as soon as possible so we are able to arrange driving.  If you are signed up to drive please be sure you have the correct paperwork completed and turned into the office.

Mr. Farone is also working with the students 3 days a week for PE.  Our schedule is Tues, Wed and Thurs. afternoons.  It has been very warm and I asked Mrs. Blackburn if it would be ok for the girls to wear navy blue shorts under their jumpers.  She said this would be fine and during PE the girls may take off their jumpers during this time.  They must wear navy blue shorts. 


If your child is ill please do not send them to school.  This includes a fever within the last 24 hours.  This will help insure that we do not spread germs to others including myself and my children.  I appreciate your consideration.  Also if they are gone they are still responsible for any missed work.  I am here to help so please let me know if I can help.

Thank you

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