Tuesday, August 16, 2016

August 15-19

We made it through the first week of school!!

This week we will be moving quickly through most of our subjects.  I have made it a point to remind the students that they will need to get used to working quickly and efficiently.  We have many subjects to get through in a short amount of time so talking and not working is not an option.  Please remind your child that they will need to be prepared.  Sharpened pencils in the morning, backpack put away, planner sign, etc.  I understnad that it is a big transition for all students and we will do our best to be hard workers.  Your child may to be reminded and that is ok.  :)

Next Monday we will be having our first math test on Chapter 1.  The review worksheets are being sent home for homework.  We are also reviewing in class this week.

English - Unit 1 sentences
Spelling and Reading - Lon Po Po
Math - Chapter 1 Place Value
Social Studies - Chapter 1 Geography
Phonics - long and short vowels


* Remember to sign planner daily

* Bring St. Vincent Lunch Friday, August 19th.

* School Pictures on August 24 & 25

* Open House August 28

Thank you for your support.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

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